Admission Process

At Yellow Stones Tutors, we are committed to making the admission process easy and seamless for both parents and students. Our goal is to ensure every child has the support they need to succeed academically and thrive in their personal development.



Weekly Tutoring: 2 hours/week

£ 140 Month
  • 1-on-1 Learning
  • Personalized Learning Plan
  • 24/7 Tutoring Support
  • Dedicated Homework Help
  • Skills Workshop
  • Educational Tools and Resources
  • Parent Support
  • Life Skills Coaching

    During term breaks


Weekly Tutoring: 3 hours/week

£ 200 Month
  • 1-on-1 Learning
  • Personalized Learning Plan
  • 24/7 Tutoring Support
  • Dedicated Homework Help
  • Skills Workshop
  • Educational Tools and Resources
  • Parent Support
  • Life Skills Coaching

    During term breaks


Weekly Tutoring: 4 hours/week

£ 260 Month
  • 1-on-1 Learning
  • Personalized Learning Plan
  • 24/7 Tutoring Support
  • Dedicated Homework Help
  • Skills Workshop
  • Educational Tools and Resources
  • Parent Support
  • Life Skills Coaching

    During term breaks

Special Classes

Hourly Class

£ 20 Hour

Our Hourly Class offers one-on-one tutoring tailored specifically to your child's needs. With personalized attention from an expert tutor, your child can focus on challenging subjects and receive targeted support to boost their confidence and academic performance. Flexible and effective, this class is perfect for students seeking individual guidance.

Group Class

£ 10 Hour

Our Group Class provides an affordable learning experience where students can collaborate and learn together in small groups. Led by a professional tutor, these sessions foster peer interaction, encourage discussion, and offer quality instruction at a fraction of the cost. Ideal for students who thrive in a team-based learning environment.


Get a 10% Discount when you sign up for a termly package (3 months).

Sibling discount: 5% off for siblings enrolled in the tutoring program.